The Bible Study Program in the Detention
Center has been one of first Programs offered to the inmates since the beginning of the Winona County Jail. Since the name
change in the late 1980s the Program has grown from one day to up to three days a week, with some one on one secessions being
done with inmates who make the request. With the increased number of women offenders housed in the Detention Center female
volunteers have been facilitating their spiritual needs.
The Second Chance Ministry staffed totally
of diverse men and women of many Christian faiths and backgrounds has been a huge benefit directly to the inmates and indirectly
to the Detention Staff. Inmates are afforded the opportunity to continue their worship practices or begin a newfound faith
experience during their confinement. The non-denominational Bible Study and Sunday worship is offered, but not mandatory for
those incarcerated. There are very few incidents when there are no inmates interested in attending.
As Program Officer of the Detention Center
I hear from the inmates as to what their needs are. The inmates for the most part are grateful that Bible Study is offered,
and want the Program to continue. Detention staff Officer’s have commented on the Program as to their observations on
the attitudes of the inmates being better after a Bible Study. The credit goes to the professionalism and dedication of the
volunteer staff and made the Program a success.
Jerry Obieglo
Program Officer
Winona County Detention Center
Winona, MN.