Greetings, in the name
of Jesus:
My name is Warren Green, and I am the Director of Second Chance Jail Ministry
Second Chance has been an integral part of Winona County Detention Center’s rehabilitation programming for over twenty
years. We offer a non-denominational Bible Study Program taught by volunteers from Winona area churches. Prior to becoming
a volunteer, each person, must receive recommendation from their pastor, and be an active member in their church. In addition
they must agree to teach those who come to the bible study without arguing doctrine. Second Chance believes we are all members
of one Church in many separate buildings. However, the place of worship is without boundaries. It is our desire that we as
a body of believers unite together for the purpose of welcoming souls into the Kingdom of God.
I have always had a heart for serving God’s people in ministry. I have a passion about teaching people life application
skills such as finances, family matters and leadership through the Word so that they not only quote scriptures, but recognize
and submit to the power and authority of the scriptures they recite.
In 2007, I offered
the facilities at New Beginnings Church to house meetings for Second Chance. As a volunteer I began to see the need of Winona
inmates past their time of incarceration. Many of the bible study participants are just beginning their relationship to God,
others are renewing their faith. As the Pastor of New Beginnings Church, I know the importance of following up. The ability
to provide a program that would focus on the next step of those previously incarcerated, providing opportunities to fully
reform their lives after being released was a clear opportunity to fully provide access to a second chance for a more productive,
contributing, and abundant life.
The next step facility will be the opportunity these inmates need as they return to our community where they have been deviant.
In this facility, inmates coming out of confinement have a place to go in order to continue mentoring, find jobs, and learn
how to take the next step into their new life with Christ. When needed, staff will be able to teach inmates a trade so that
they can fully return to their community with the skills to stay employed. Without these skills they may be at a greater risk
to return to unlawful behaviors.
This facility will be home for four (up to fourteen at the completion) inmates who desire to reconcile with their families,
community and with God through becoming more equipped by learning spiritual, emotional and vocational stability. The residence
will provide a temporary place to live for the newly released, three meals a day, and rides to the church of their choice,
rides to and from work, school and counseling services.
Second Chance Jail Ministry needs your help! We need your prayers! Your volunteers! Your finances! “When he saw the
crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to
his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out
workers into his harvest field’,” Matthew 9:36-38. You can become a fellow laborer by volunteering your time,
talents or treasures. Building the next step has depended on generous volunteers like you to join in with us in this important
ministry by teaching, working for and funding the future of these young men and women in our reach.
Call the Director at 507-429-7084 8:00am to 7:00 pm or at 507-452-7974 any other time.
May the blessings of Jesus Christ over take you daily.
Your brother in Christ,
Warren Green