Second Chance Jail Ministries

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Building the Next Step "Fresh Start"

Connecting on a personal level is an important part of sharing ideas. On this page we'll present some details about our organization and the people behind it.

Our Goals

To teach inmates a trade so that when they are released, they can come out with the skills to find jobs. Without these skills they may be at a greater risk to return to unlawful behaviors.

To have Next Step facilities, where inmates coming out of confinement have a place to go in order to continue mentoring, find jobs, and learning how to take the next step into their new life with Christ.

To be aid to families by offering support to those who are dealing with the absence of their loved one. To provide gifts and encouragement to the children and spouses, so that they do not feel forgotten or unlov

Our Involvement

We are currently working with the Winona and Caledonia jails. We offer bible studies on every Sunday and Thursday Evenings in Winona, and Wednesday nights in Caledonia. We are also planning to start bible studies in Wabasha, Red Wing, and any other areas where God opens doors.

"I was in prison and you came to visit me... because you did it to one of the least of my brothers; you did it to me." --Jesus